Just Take What You Need, For Free...

Mesin-mesin lagi produksi nih...

Awas, turbinnya masih mutar loh

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GPUZ result

So this is the result of my GPU (in Billing Comp)

How About yours?

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Billing Computer CPUZ Result

And this is the result of my Billing Computer in my internet caffe :">

How shy he..he..

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Speedy Result

This is the result of my ISP. Telkomspeedy said that they upgraded the speed from 384Kbps to 1024Kbps. Its quite right, u can see that the speed is above 75% of maximum speed.

Then, how about u'r ISP?

6 Februari 2009

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Start blogging

Waduh, capek juga nyari masalahnya...
Mulai Blogger pake opera ko ga bisa ya, login ditolak mulu. Eh, pake IE baru bisa, padahal IE jarang banget kupake,penuh-penuhin taskbar si.
Hari ni aku belum menentukan isi utama dari blog ni. Q pengen blog ni bermanfaat bagi smua orang di bumi maupun di luar sana:-)
Pengen yang kaya punya kang fauzan tuh, bagus banget http://zandi.wordpress.com/ tapi yahh, dipikir sambil jalan aja deh. Lagian ni juga curi-curi waktu buat ngeblog (pekerjaanku tungguin warnet he..he..)

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